Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Strangled by Sin

 Sayyiduna ‘Uqbah bin ‘Aamir (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that he heard Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) mention, “Indeed, the example of the one who commits sins, and thereafter carries out good deeds, is like the example of a man on whom there was tight armour which was strangling him. Thereafter, he carried out a good deed, so one ring (from the chainmail armour) opened, and thereafter he carried out another good deed, so another ring opened, (and he continued carrying out good deeds) until it came off (and fell) to the ground.” (Musnad Ahmad #17307)

In the above hadeeth, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) resembled the person who leads a life of sin, but thereafter changes his life and carries out righteous deeds, to a person who was wearing tight armour which made him feel very uncomfortable on account of being tight and squeezing his neck, but thereafter, one-by-one, the links in the armour opened, gradually becoming more and more comfortable, until the entire armour fell off, giving him complete relief.

From this hadeeth, we understand that when a person sins, then the life that he leads becomes constrained and miserable, as the happiness which is granted to man is on account of carrying out good deeds and pleasing Allah Ta‘ala. Generally, people feel that when a person possesses material wealth, then he will find happiness. However, Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) explained in the blessed hadeeth that the true wealth is the wealth of the heart, as the heart is that source that gains peace, tranquillity and happiness from Allah Ta‘ala. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “True wealth is the wealth of the heart.” (Saheeh Muslim #1051)

Similarly, in the Quraan Majeed, Allah Ta‘ala says, “It is only through the remembrance of Allah Ta‘ala that the hearts find satisfaction (i.e. it is only through the heart remembering Allah Ta‘ala and then motivating the limbs to remain in the obedience of Allah Ta‘ala that one will find peace and happiness).” (Surah Ra’d v28)

From the above hadeeth, we understand that when a person disobeys Allah Ta‘ala, his life becomes constrained like the person being strangled by the tight armour. He loses his peace of mind and the tranquillity of the heart, and numerous other problems are created in his life as well.

The renowned Muhaddith, ‘Allaamah Teebee (rahimahullah), has enumerated some of these problems saying, “Committing sins causes the chest of the sinner to feel constrained (i.e. he never feels true peace and happiness in his life), it narrows his sustenance (i.e. he loses all barakah in his livelihood), it makes him lose direction in all his affairs, as a result of which he is unable to accomplish what he is supposed to do, and it makes him disliked by people.” (Al-Kaashif vol. 5 pg. 131)

However, as soon as he changes his life, ceases sinning and begins to expend his energy in works of righteousness, pleasing Allah Ta‘ala, then his condition begins to improve. With every good deed that he carries out, he perceives happiness and barakah in his life, and he no longer feels the constrained feeling which he would perceive during his life of sin.

In essence, the feeling of misery enveloping his heart and mind begins to vanish, the barakah returns to his life and livelihood, he recovers his direction, determination and decisiveness in life and regains the love of Allah Ta‘ala and the people once more.

Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abbaas (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) has similarly mentioned the positive effects of carrying out good deeds, and the detrimental effects of committing sins saying, “Carrying out righteous deeds creates a radiance on the face, an illumination in the heart, expansiveness in sustenance, strength in the body, and love in the hearts of the creation. (On the contrary,) carrying out sins creates a blackness on the face, a darkness in the grave and heart, a weakness in the body, a decrease in sustenance, and a hatred in the hearts of the creation.” (Ad-Daau wad-Dawaa pg. 59)

Hence, we understand that the key to a prosperous, happy, fulfilling life is to refrain from sins and lead a life of piety. There are people who spend a pretty penny buying Sealy mattresses, Tempur pillows and Granny Goose duvets – yet they cannot get a wink of sleep without taking sleeping pills. Similarly, there are those who spend millions on their houses, filling them with every modern-convenience known to man, yet they do not find even one moment of happiness at home. Often, the reason is that through sinning, they have bound themselves into a ‘tight armour’ which leaves them feeling perpetually claustrophobic, uneasy and uncomfortable.

The solution is to turn to Allah Ta‘ala in taubah and istighfaar, reform our lives and exert ourselves in carrying out good deeds. This is the key to living a good life in this world, and a good afterlife in the next world as well.