Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Six Powerful Questions

 ‘Ubaid bin ‘Umair (rahimahullah) was among the senior Tabi‘een who lived in Makkah Mukarramah. He had the blessed opportunity of learning from the likes of Sayyiduna ‘Umar, Sayyiduna ‘Ali, Sayyidah ‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) amongst many others. Such was his greatness that Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar (radhiyallahu ‘anhuma) would even attend his gathering. (Siyaru Aa’laamin Nubalaa vol. 4, pg. 156)

On one occasion, a very beautiful woman of Makkah Mukarramah was admiring herself in the mirror and asked her husband, “Do you feel that there is a man who will see this (beautiful) face and not be tempted by it?” He replied, “Yes.” When she enquired who that person was, he answered, “‘Ubaid bin ‘Umair.” The woman thus requested her husband for permission to entice ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah). Her husband agreed and she set off with this shameless intention.

She approached ‘Ubaid bin ‘Umair (rahimahullah) in Masjidul Haraam pretending to ask him a Deeni question. When she was close to him, she unveiled her face and it shone (with beauty) like a piece of the moon. ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) reprimanded her saying, “O slave woman of Allah, (fear Allah)!” She replied, “I have become infatuated with you, so (please) consider my request (and fulfil my desire).” ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) responded, “I would like to ask you something. If you reply truthfully, I will consider your request.” She remarked, “I will give an honest reply to whatever you ask.”

‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) posed the first question saying, “Tell me, if the Angel of Death comes to take your soul, would you be pleased that I fulfil this desire of yours (at that time)?” She replied, “By Allah, never.” ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) remarked, “You have spoken the truth.”

He next asked her, “If you are lowered into your grave and you are seated to be questioned (by the angels), would you be pleased that I fulfil this desire of yours (at that time)?” She replied, “By Allah, never.” ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) remarked, “You have spoken the truth.”

He then asked, “If (it is the Day of Qiyaamah and) the people are being given their book (of deeds) but you are (still) unsure whether you will receive your book in your right or left hand, would you be pleased that I fulfil this desire of yours (at that time)?” She again replied in the negative. ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) remarked, “You have spoken the truth.”

He further asked, “If you are about to cross the bridge of Siraat and you do not know whether you will be spared or not, would you be pleased that I fulfil this desire of yours (at that time)?” She replied, “By Allah, never.” ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) remarked, “You have spoken the truth.”

‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) asked yet again, “When the scales of deeds are set up and you are brought forward but you do not know whether the scales (of your good deeds) will be heavy or light, would you be pleased that I fulfil this desire of yours (at that time)?” She replied, “By Allah, never.” ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) remarked, “You have spoken the truth.”

Lastly, he asked her, “If you are standing before Allah for questioning, would you be pleased that I fulfil this desire of yours (at that time)?” She replied, “By Allah, never.” ‘Ubaid (rahimahullah) then said to her, “You have spoken the truth. O slave woman of Allah! Fear Allah, as He has bestowed you with many bounties and has been (very) kind towards you.”

This conversation created a revolution in the heart of this woman and thus when she returned to her husband and he enquired what had transpired, she replied: “You and (all of) us are wasting our lives.” She then dedicated herself to salaah, fasting and other acts of worship to such an extent that her husband would remark, “What has ‘Ubaid bin ‘Umair done to me? He has spoilt my wife. (Prior to this) every night I was like a groom (enjoying the attention of my wife), but (now) he has made her into an ascetic.” (Ath-Thiqaat lil ‘Ijli pg. 322)


1. A wise and intelligent person is he who keeps his goal and destination ahead of him at all times. Hence, even if a distraction comes on his path, he focuses on his goal and ponders over the outcome of his action. Similarly, as believers, our goal is the Hereafter, and we should be constantly reminding ourselves of its realities, as this will realign our thought, as well as our behaviour.

2. We are continuously faced with the challenge of some impermissible temptation or the other. This incident gives us a powerful remedy to resist it. We merely need to ask ourselves these six questions. If we are prepared to give in to that impermissible temptation at any one of these six occasions, then we may go ahead with it. Otherwise, we must totally abstain from it, as these occasions are definitely going to come, and that sin will haunt us on those occasions. ‘Ubaid bin ‘Umair (rahimahullah) was so conscious of these six aspects that let alone not being seduced by this beautiful woman, he even changed her entire life.