Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Open Your Eyes!

 In this world there are many performers who work as magicians. Before a mesmerized audience, they can seemingly pull rabbits out of hats, coins from behind peoples’ ears, as well as seemingly make objects disappear. However, the reality is that there is no actual magic in the act – it is a simple case of misdirection and manipulation, also known as sleight of hand.

Through hours and hours of practice, the performer has mastered the art of manipulating the audience, by drawing their attention in one particular direction, while on the opposite side, he is subtly carrying out his trick, unnoticed. In essence, through distracting the audience, he deceives them and makes them believe that which is unreal and untrue. Hence, if the method of the trick is thereafter revealed, it will seem so simple and obvious, and each person will think to himself, “If only I had opened my eyes to what was really going on!”

In the very same way, the oldest trickster of all – Shaitaan – has mastered this art of distraction and manipulation. Every Muslim knows that his destination and true abode is the Hereafter, while this world is merely a temporary abode where he will be tested while preparing his Jannah. However, Shaitaan prepares elaborate distractions to divert man’s attention and effort from his true goal.

At times, it is the mundane, day-to-day matters that serve as a distraction. Man becomes so mired in his daily grind and routine, anticipating the next holiday, looking forward to upgrading his car, attending the wedding on the weekend, and going shopping, etc., that he forgets to engage in the remembrance of Allah Ta‘ala and prepare for his Jannah.

At times, it is futility or even sin that serves as the distraction. Hobbies, sports, games, movies and music become a way of life or even an obsession, to the extent that there are many married men, some with children as well, who after returning home from work, sit and play games on the PC or PlayStation. In fact, there have even been cases of people neglecting their work and shirking their duties in the workplace, or neglecting their wife and children, due to playing games or watching clips on their phones! When this is the damage of these distractions to their dunya, we can well imagine the damage wrought on their Deen!

Shaitaan has mastered the art of tricking man to such a degree that he can distract a person in this manner for years and years. If the thought ever passes man’s mind that he should perhaps repent, reform and turn to Allah Ta‘ala, then Shaitaan immediately whispers into his ear that there is no rush! There is still time! Enjoy life now and repent later on! But alas, before later can come, the angel of death arrives and time is up.

Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) once mentioned the following golden words of advice, urging us to not become unmindful of the Hereafter, and remain focused on striving for Jannah. He said, “The world is departing (i.e. Qiyaamah is very close), and the Aakhirah is approaching, and each of the two has ‘children’ (i.e. those who are devoted to it). So become from the children of the Aakhirah (by striving for Jannah), and do not be from the children of the dunya (by turning away from the Aakhirah and spending your entire life in the pursuit of the dunya), for today is (the time for) action (i.e. good deeds) without accountability (i.e. while you are alive, you can still repent), while tomorrow (after you die), there will be accountability without any action (i.e. you will be taken to task for your sins, and there will be no opportunity to repent or make any amends). (Saheeh Bukhaari – Chapter regarding hopes and long-term aspirations)

May Allah Ta‘ala bless us to open our eyes, reform our lives, and remain focused on the Hereafter, aameen.