Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Monday, June 20, 2022

Man vs Machine

In this short article we will analyze a human being and a machine and see which one is superior. The machine we will analyze is the latest, most sophisticated car in the world🚘

🚘Car : Cannot reproduce itself, needs to be built by someone else.

🧢Man: Can reproduce itself

🚘Car: Engine lifespan: about 20 years with about 2-3 hours of daily usage. Needs regular maintenance: oil change, spark plugs, filter changes etc, which has to be done by something else.

🧢Man: Heart (Engine): up to 130 years running maintenance free 24hrs a day.

🚘Car: If scratched or dented needs to be sent to a panel beater to repair. If not repaired, will disintegrate

🧢Man: If scratched, will “self heal'. The blood around wound clots and self heals forming new skin.. Broken bones heal on their own etc

🚘Car: If driven too hard will break down and needs to be repaired

🧢Man: The harder he works the stronger he becomes(Builds more muscles and becomes more fit).

🚘Car: Needs external help to feed it so it can move.

Man: Finds its own food, plus is programmed to know what it can and cannot eat(Fuel). Has extremely complex internal organs to process the food and extract the energy and other minerals and compounds to continue surviving and living.

🚘Car: Has less than 100 meters of fluid pipes, which can easily clog or get damaged. Had to be designed and fitted into car.

🧢Man: Has about 97 million meters of blood vessels(arteries, capillaries and veins), which don’t get damaged easily nor do they tangle.

🚘Car: Billions of hours were spent to design it, program it and build it by man who has consciousness and a clear goal and intention to build it.

🧢Man: Came from nothing, by chance and randomly...(according to evolutionists/athiests)

🚘Car: Can only navigate itself under ideal conditions, otherwise needs man to navigate it.

🧢Man: Autonomous, can navigate himself extremely effectively.

🚘Car: Needs thousands of hours to be built by hundreds of people with parts coming from all over the world. Millions of man hours go into designing all the different systems and components of it. These are done by people who are CONSCIOUS and have an INTENTION to create a car.

🧢Man: Pre-Programed to build itself from a microscopic cell and develop bones, flesh, organs, skin, blood vessels, intricate communications systems, nervous systems, rebuilding systems, logic and thinking systems, touch and feeling systems, hearing systems, complex eye systems, breathing systems, chemical conversion systems, smell and taste systems and many other extremely complex systems to survive.

Conclusion. If a person said that this car that we described just came into being, in perfect working condition over millions of years of evolution by random events occurring on it, we would say he is delusional and crazy.

But when someone says we humans are created from nothing over millions of years through randomness, without a CONSCIOUS being INTENT on creating us then he is regarded as intelligent???. Even though man is much much more complex than a car.

 The only logical conclusion is that there is definitely an extremely Great, Magnificent and Intelligent Creator who created us all....