Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Saturday, June 18, 2022


The Delights of the People of Paradise: The Wives of the People of Paradise *

 1⃣The Wife Of The Believer In This World Will Be His Wife In The Hereafter If She Is Righteous

" Gardens of 'Adn, which they shall enter, and [also] those who act righteously from among their fathers, and their wives and their offspring... " [13:23]

" They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones ." [36:56]

" Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness" [43:70]

2⃣ al-Hoor al-'Eeyn

Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) will marry the believers in Paradise to beautiful women who were not their wives in this world, as Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

" So [it will be] and We shall marry them to Houris with wide lovely eyes. " [44:54]

al-Hoor is the plural of Hooraa', which is a woman, the white parts of her eyes intensely white, and the black is intensely black. al-'Eeyn is the plural fo 'Aynaa, which is the woman whose eyes are wide.

The Qur'an also speaks of the beauty of the women of al-Jannah:

" And [there will be] Houris with wide lovely eyes [as wives for the pious], Like unto preserved pearls." [56:22-23]

The Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) told us about the beauty of the wives of the People of Paradise. al-Bukhaari and Muslim reported from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, "... the marrow of whose leg-bones will be visible through the flesh because of their extreme beauty ."[Muslim]

Look at this beauty that the Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) described! Can you find any comparison to it in the world that you know?! :

" If one of the women of Paradise were to look at the people of this world, everything in between them would be lit up and filled with her fragrance. The veil on her head is better than this world and everything in it ." [al-Bukhaari]

 The Song of al-Hoor al-'Eeyn 

The Messenger (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) told us that al-Hoor in Jannah sing with sweet, beautiful voices. The Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said,

" The wives of the people of Paradise will sing to their husband in the most beautiful voices that anyone has ever heard. What they will sing is: "We are good and beautiful, the wives of a noble people, who look at their husbands content and happy." And they will sing, "We are eternal, and will never die, we are safe and will never fear, we are remaining here and will never go away."" [Saheeh al-Jaami as-Sagheer, 2/48, no. 1557; also Abu Na'eem, ad-Diyaa in Sifaat al-Jannah]

Samawayh reported in al-Fawaa'id from Anas that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, " al-Hoor al-'Eeyn are singing in Paradise saying, "We are the beautiful houris, we are being kept for noble husbands." " [Saheeh al-Jaami', 2/58, no. 1598]

The Jealousy of al-Hoor al-Eeyn over their Husbands in this World

The Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) told us that al-Hoor feel jealous over their husbands in this world, if the wife of one of them upsets him. Ahmad and at-Tirmidhi report with a saheeh isnaad from Mu'aadh that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said,

" No woman in this world upsets her husband but his wife from among al-Hoor al-'Eeyn will say, "Do not upset him, may Allah kill you! For he is with you only temporarily, and soon he will leave you and come to us. "" [Saheeh al-Jaami' as-Sagheer, 6/125, no. 7069]