As Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuhu. Below are audio stories for kids with good morals.
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Kareema and the Corona
Ali says insha-Allah
Always ask Allah Ta’ala
Basheer and the beggar
Dangerous Daanyaal
Dirty Arshad
Fed by the thief
Gentle Jameelah
Grateful Goolam
Helpful Humairaa
Honest Aaminah and Taahirah the thief
Humble Haleemah
Kamaal and the cockroach
Lazy Luqmaan
Mahmood and the Miswaak
Nabeelah and the nightmare
Sadiyyah and the Sadaqah
Scared Salmaan
Share and care
Shuaib and the sheep
Sincere Saleemah
Sleepy Ismaaeel and Safiyyah
Teasing Tasmiyah
The Fighting Family
The Mighty Maktab Madrasah
Truthful Taahir
What will you do in the holiday
Where are your manners
To view the stories in written format(many more) click the link here ➡️