Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Thursday, June 23, 2022

15 Incentives for Wudu

The wudu of a believer is indicative of the position that cleanliness holds in Islam. Being the key to Salah, a mu’min will perform wudu at least 5 times a day. Therefore, utmost care should be taken in perfecting it. By implementing the following sunnats and guidelines extracted from the noble Ahadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam), one would Insha Allah be able to achieve maximum reward for the wudu.


 1)If a person recites the following du’a before commencing wudu, the angels will continue recording reward for him as long as he remains in that wudu:

Bismillahi wal Hamdulillah 

Translation: In the name of Allah, all praise is for Allah.

(Al-Mu’jamus Saghir li Tabarani, vol.1 pg.73, Allamah-al-Haythami rahimahullah has classified the chain of narrators as “Hasan; soundly authentic, Majmaúz zawaid, vol.1 pg.220)


2) The use of miswak multiples the reward of two rakats of salah 70 fold .

(Abu Nu’aim in Kitabus Siwak; Targheeb vol.1 pg.168)


3) Among the practices of Rasulullah (sallallahuálayhi wasallam) that is extinct nowadays during wudu is the khilal (passing of wet fingers) through the beard.

He (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) would utter the following words whilst making khilal through the beard:

Hakazha amaranee Rabbee 

(Sunan Abi Dawud, hadith:146, Sahih Ibn Hibban, Hadith:1081)


4)  It is mustahabb (preferable) to do masah  (wipe with wet fingers) on the nape. One who makes masah on the nape will be saved from severe thirst and from being shackled on the day of Qiyamah. (see authentication of supporting narrations in: I’la-us sunan. vol.1 pg.123)


5)  It is also sunnah to sprinkle some water towards the private parts (on the pants) after wudu as this will remove any doubt that the pants are wet due to urine. (Sunan Abi Dawud; I’la-us sunan. vol.1 pg.132)


6) The sins committed by the limbs that are being washed in wudu are also washed away. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith:576)


7)  Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) has informed the ummah that they will be distinguished from the rest of mankind by the shine of the limbs of wudu. He (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) therefore encouraged:

those who can increase the shine should do so.”i.e. By washing extra (Sahih Bukahri, Hadith:136)

Sayyidiuna Abu Hurairah radiyallahuánhu would actually wash up to his armpits and shins because of this Hadith. (Sahih Muslim Hadith:578)

Some Fuqaha (Jurists) have stated that it is mustahabb (meritorious) to at least do so up to half way between the elbows and armpits and up to half the shin. This will not be considered as israf (wastage) (Tahtawi ála durr, vol.1 pg.76, Shami, vol.1 pg.130)


8) The past and future minor sins of one who makes a thorough wudu (i.e, by washing all limbs completely) on a cold day will be forgiven. 

(Musnad Bazzar, Hafidh Munzhiri & Államah Haithami rahimahumallah have classified this narration as “Hasan”; soundly authentic; Targheeb, vol.1 pg.153 & Majmaúz zawaid, vol.1 pg.236-237)

This is also reported as one from among those deeds, which, if carried out constantly, ensure a pleasant death.(Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith:3235)


9) One should try to be in the state of wudu all the time. He who passes away in the state of wudu dies as a Shaheed (martyr) (Majmaúz zawaid, vol.1 pg. 271 & Fathul malikil áliy, pg.35)


10) One who performs wudu at home then proceeds to the masjid for fard salah secures the reward of a Haji in the state of ihram. (Sunan Abi Dawud, hadith:559)


11) For every step taken towards the masjid in the state of wudu one sin is forgiven, one reward accrued and one stage is elevated in the hereafter. (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith:647 & Sahih Muslim 1504)


12)He who waits for (the commencement of) salah in the masjid is rewarded as if he is in salah.

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith:695 & Sahih Muslim, Hadith:1507)

NB: Such a person will obviously be in the state of Wudu


13)  The angels ask Almighty Allah to forgive and have mercy on the one who remains after the completion of the salah with wudu in the masjid until the wudu is broken.

(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith:445 & Sahih Muslim, Hadith:1507)


14) Despite having wudu it is mustahabb (preferable) to renew the wudu for every Salah. 

(Sunan Tirmizhi, hadith:58-59 & Faidhul Qadir, Hadith:8607)


NB: This only applies to the one who has offered salah or any other act of worship with the previous wudu. (Shami vol.1 pg.119)


15) The greatest incentive of wudu is that it is the key to salah and salah is the key to Paradise . (Musnad Ahmad Hadith 14597)

 Imagine the reward of the one who implements this daily, five times each day?