Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Thursday, June 23, 2022

10 Examples of How Rasulullah (ﷺ) Treated Children

The sunnah contains many examples of how Rasulullah () dealt with children.

Why is this important? Because he’s our uswah, our role-model, our example to follow. Many of his companions met him once or twice, saw him doing something once or twice, and as a result, would keep doing that thing until they died. Not because he told them to, but because they loved him, and sought to follow him as much as possible.

We should also try and follow him as much as we can.

On to the examples.

Anas ibn Malik’s Ten Years of Service

I served the Prophet for ten years, I lived with him for ten years and not once did he rebuke me. Not once did the word “uff” come from his mouth. He never said to me, “why did you do this?” or “why didn’t you do that?” : (Bukhari 5691,Muslim 2309)

Anas ibn Malik was a well known scholar among the sahaba. His mother gifted him to Rasulullah () while he was a young child, in order to give him the best possible upbringing and Islamic education.

15 Incentives for Wudu

The wudu of a believer is indicative of the position that cleanliness holds in Islam. Being the key to Salah, a mu’min will perform wudu at least 5 times a day. Therefore, utmost care should be taken in perfecting it. By implementing the following sunnats and guidelines extracted from the noble Ahadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam), one would Insha Allah be able to achieve maximum reward for the wudu.


 1)If a person recites the following du’a before commencing wudu, the angels will continue recording reward for him as long as he remains in that wudu:

Bismillahi wal Hamdulillah 

Translation: In the name of Allah, all praise is for Allah.

(Al-Mu’jamus Saghir li Tabarani, vol.1 pg.73, Allamah-al-Haythami rahimahullah has classified the chain of narrators as “Hasan; soundly authentic, Majmaúz zawaid, vol.1 pg.220)


What Are You Striving for: Dunya or Akhirah?

Many of us seem to spend an incredible amount of time and energy chasing the dream job. Afterall, a bigger paycheck often translates into a better car, a bigger house and a higher worldly social status.

What Are You Striving for: Dunya or Akhirah?

But we are warned about this in The Qur’an:

“ Rivalry in worldly increase distracts you (from the remembrance of Allaah), till you come to the graves” (102: 1-2).

“ Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and Allaah has with Him a great reward.” (64:15).

Ever think of the results of all of your worldy efforts?

”It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained [in the world] except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.” (79:46)

How I came to Islam

Radko, Ex-Atheist, Czech

I once knew an atheist who claimed he'd never believed in God's existence. In his view, believers were supposed to be people of weak character who felt the necessity to find a crutch for their inability and laziness, so they attended church. He felt agitated if, when the debating religion, he could not persuade the opponent with his arguments. He despised believers in an almost hysterical way. He had, however, a very good friend who believed in God. They agreed to refrain from discussing religion whenever together.

One day this man, probably in a rare moment of weakness, accepted the invitation of his friend to visit his church. To himself, he laughed at the thought of speaking out in the middle of mass and laughing and pointing his finger at the believers from the pulpit. However, as we know, God works in mysterious ways. He went to church, stood in the back benches, and stared at the people praying.


In the faint light of the attic, an old man, tall and stooped, bent his great frame and made his way to a stack of boxes that sat near one of the little half-windows. Brushing aside a wisp of cobwebs, he tilted the top box toward the light and began to carefully lift out one old photograph album after another. Eyes once bright but now dim searched longingly for the source that had drawn him here.

It began with the fond recollection of the love of his life, long gone, and somewhere in these albums was a photo of her he hoped to rediscover. Silent as a mouse, he patiently opened the long buried treasures and soon was lost in a sea of memories. Although his world had not stopped spinning when his wife left it, the past was more alive in his heart than his present aloneness.

Setting aside one of the dusty albums, he pulled from the box what appeared to be a journal from his grown son's childhood. He could not recall ever having seen it before, or that his son had ever kept a journal. Why did his wife always save the children's old junk? He wondered, shaking his white head.

Maktab/Madressa Resources

 As salaamu alaikum Warahmatulaahi Wabarakaatuhu. 

Below is an excellent list of information for Maktab/Madrasah teachers and for those who want to teach or learn the basics of Islam. Also included is the pdf of the full syllabus. 

May Allah Ta'ala reward those who put this website together, abundantly, Ameen.

Newsletters and Posters for Maktabs

Maktab Worksheets

Maktab and other Documents/Forms

My Journey to Islam - Raphael Narbaez, Jr. – Former Jehovah’s Witness Minister

A forty-two-year-old Latino, Raphael, is a Los Angeles-based lecturer. He was born in Texas where he attended his first Jehovah’s Witness meeting at age six. He gave his first Bible sermon at eight, tended his own congregation at twenty, and was headed for a position of leadership among the 904,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States. But he traded in his Bible for a Qur’an after having braved a visit to a local mosque.

On November 1, 1991, he embraced Islam. He speaks with the urgency of a new convert, but one who can make immigrant Muslims laugh at themselves.

He told his story mimicking a cast of characters.

I remember vividly being in a discussion where we were all sitting in my parents’ living room and there were some other Jehovah’s Witnesses there. They were talking about : “It’s Armageddon! The time of the end! And Christ is coming! And you know the hailstones are going to be out here as big as cars! God is going to use all kinds of things to destroy this wicked system and remove the governments! And the Bible talks about the earth opening up! It’s going to swallow whole city blocks!”

The Somersaults of the Heart

On one occasion, Sayyidah Ummu Salamah (radhiyallahu ‘anha), the respected wife of Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), was asked, “ *Which du‘aa would Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) make the most when he was with you (in your home)?”* She replied, “The du‘aa that he would make the most was:

يَا مُقَلِّبَ الْقُلُوْبِ ، ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِيْ عَلَى دِيْنِكَ

Transliteration: Ya Muqallibal Quloob! Sabbit qalbee ‘alaa deenik

Translation: O the Turner of hearts! Keep my heart firm on Your Deen!”

Sayyidah Ummu Salamah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) asked Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) as to why he made this du‘aa in such abundance. He replied, “ O Ummu Salamah (radhiyallahu ‘anha)! Every person’s heart is in the complete control of Allah Ta‘ala. Whomsoever Allah Ta‘ala wishes, He keeps steadfast, and whomsoever He wishes, He allows to go astray.” (Sunan Tirmizi #3522)

Monday, June 20, 2022


As Muslims, we must strive to implement simplicity in every area of our lives, as it is a very important virtue in Islam. Simplicity can have many positive influences on our lives. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said in a hadith:

“ Simplicity is a part of faith.” (Abu Dawud)

Living a simple life is better for us as it involves not needing to worry about having to live up to society’s expectations about different parts of life. For example, there are expectations about timeframes in which milestones should generally be achieved in, standards about the possessions we own, types of career, status and reputation in the community, and so on. The more we focus on the opinions of other people, the more likely it is for those opinions to essentially dictate our lives. We read in the Holy Qur’an:

“ And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah, so will you not reason?” (Qur’an 6:32)


Bismillâh, wa -l-hamdulillâh, wa -s-salâtu wa -s-salâmu `alâ rasûlillâh

Quranic Verses

1️⃣ Allâh (سبحانه وتعالى) says: ” And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks to mislead [men] from the Path of Allâh without knowledge, and takes it by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment. ” (Qur’an Luqmân [31]:6)

The companion `Abdullâh ibn Mas`ûd (رضي الله عنه) states in the explanation of the word ‘idle tales’: “By Allâh its meaning is music.” (Sunan al-Bayhaqi, 1/223 & authenticated by al-Hakim in his Mustadrak, 2/411)

Imâm Ibn Abî Shaybah (رحمه الله) related with his own transmission that he (Ibn Mas`ûd) said: “I swear by Him besides Whom there is no God that it refers to singing.” (132/5)

The Companion and mufassir of the Qur’ân, Abdullâh ibn `Abbâs (رضي الله عنه), states: “The meaning of the word is music, singing and the like.” (Sunan al-Bayhaqi, 1/221& Musannaf Ibn Abî Shaybah, 132/5)

Virtues Of Fasting, Ramadan, And Related Deeds

'O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous'.  [Surah Baqarah, 2: 183]

In this verse the Creator states that He had enjoined fasting in some form upon the followers of earlier prophets. And He mentions the purpose behind it: “that you may become righteous.” So fasting is a means to attain righteousness, piety and consciousness of Allah (taqwá).

In a hadith qudsi, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ disclosed that Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has said, “ Fasting is for Me, and I [alone] reward for it.” [Bukhari]

“ No servant fasts one day in the way of Allah but that Allah puts between his face and the Hellfire a distance of seventy years.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

📜Inheritance –10 Very Important Points To Consider

The importance of following the Islamic Law of Inheritance can be appreciated by the fact that Allah Himself explains the share allotment in great detail.

The Aayaat dealing with this are found in the beginning and end of Surah an Nisaa’. At the end of the verses of inheritance, Allaah states, “ These are the limits of Allaah. Whoever obeys Allaah and His messenger, He will admit him to gardens, underneath which rivers flow dwelling therein forever. That is the greatest triumph. And whoso disobeys Allaah and His messenger and transgresses His bounds, He will admit him into the Fire dwelling therein forever, and for him is a humiliating chastisement.” (verse 14).

Nabi Muhammad(Salalaahu Alahi Wasalam) has specifically given instructions to have a will written. He said, “ The Muslim man has no right to spend two nights, if he has something for which will should be made, without having a written will with him .” (Bukhari)

Losing Hope in the Mercy of Allah Ta‘ala

She sat at the corner of her sofa gazing out her window towards the night sky. She tilted her head slowly to the right sighing. Her thoughts were deep and her eyes tired.

“How many missed prayers am I still trying to make up for?

How many fasts have I intentionally broken?

How many arguments have I had with my parents? How many times have I lied?

How many times have I backbitten?

How many times have I cursed?

How many times have I sinned?”

Hopeless, she felt.


REMEMBER the beginning of Ramadan last year: the festive supermarkets with their jampacked aisles, the makeshift roadside stalls outside restaurants selling crisp sambusas and subiya, the sounds of Adhan emanating from Masajid…

My house overlooked a Maghsalat-Al-Amwaat Al-Khairiyyah (a charitable organization which prepares bodies for burial in the Islamic manner), and as I walked home from the neighborhood supermarket laden with packages of food and other essentials in preparation of the next day’s fast, I caught sight of a family accompanying a bier in a hearse. The women huddled together, sobbing quietly, while the men stood at a distance in somber silence.

It struck me: While I was going home to the comfort of my home and the company of my family, this person was being dispatched alone, to answer the stern questioning of the grave. While I would be given the opportunity to fast and perform other deeds as Allah willed, this person, who had been given the same opportunity in past years, had been deprived of it this year.

Man vs Machine

In this short article we will analyze a human being and a machine and see which one is superior. The machine we will analyze is the latest, most sophisticated car in the world🚘

🚘Car : Cannot reproduce itself, needs to be built by someone else.

🧢Man: Can reproduce itself

🚘Car: Engine lifespan: about 20 years with about 2-3 hours of daily usage. Needs regular maintenance: oil change, spark plugs, filter changes etc, which has to be done by something else.

🧢Man: Heart (Engine): up to 130 years running maintenance free 24hrs a day.

The Day of Eid!

The Month of Ramadaan is coming to an end and the transition from Ramadan to Eid and thereafter should be a path that brings us closer to our Creator and a path that treads the Sunnah i.e. The way of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) .

After a month of sacrifice, Allah Ta'ala takes it upon Himself to reward His faithful servants. Allah Ta'ala is the Most Generous and Most Benevolent. Indeed Allah Ta'ala's Generosity multiplies in Ramadaan. When Allah Ta'ala sees His servants carry out all their duties faithfully and strive to gain closeness to Him through their Fasting, Salaat, patience, recitation of Quraan, zikr, dua, and controlling of even permissible desires and needs like food, drink etc. then Allah Ta'ala bestows on His faithful servants a special prize on the night preceding the day of Eid.

THE PRIZE GIVING NIGHT :  The night before Eid ul Fitr is known as Laylatul Jaaizah (the night of prize giving). It is on this night that Allah Ta-ala rewards His servants for all the good that they have done in Ramadaan.

10 things to ponder upon as Ramadaan ends

read time: 2 min

It seems like yesterday that we welcomed Ramadhan. And now this mubarak month is over.

It’s time to reflect on how we spent the month.

Here are 10 things to ponder at the end of Ramadhan:

1⃣. How have I spent Ramadhan? Am I happy with my worship? Where can I improve? Did I sin in Ramadhan? If so which ones? The sins I couldn’t avoid in Ramadhan are probably my biggest vices given I couldn’t stop them during such a blessed time. These sins require special attention and intervention.

2⃣. What habits have I picked up in Ramadhan? Can I continue some of them? Fasting is the most obvious one. What about reciting Qur’an, dhikr, dua, five prayers, charity, frequenting the masjid, night time worship, watching my tongue, eating together as a family, sharing food with others, seeking out good content online, etc etc? Guess what? None of these are exclusive to Ramadhan. Let’s pick a few and continue on them afterwards.


Ever since the dawn of mankind, we have sought to understand nature and our place in it. In this quest for the purpose of life many people have turned to religion. Most religions are based on books claimed by their followers to be divinely inspired, without any proof. Islam is different because it is based upon reason and proof.

There are clear signs that the book of Islam, the Quran, is the word of God and we have many reasons to support this claim:

· There are scientific and historical facts found in the Quran which were unknown to the people at the time, and have only been discovered recently by contemporary science.

· The Quran is in a unique style of language that cannot be replicated, this is known as the ‘Inimitability of the Quran.’


Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates: ‘I heard my loving friend, Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saying: The jewelery of a Mu’min (on the Day of Resurrection) will cover to the places where the water of ablution reaches. ’ (Muslim)

Abu Hurairah Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates: I heard Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam saying: ‘ My Ummah will be called on the Day of Resurrection with their limbs and faces shining from traces of Wudu. So whoever amongst you can increase the area of his radiance should do so (i.e. by performing Wudu regularly)’. (Bukhari)

‘Uthmãn ibne-’Affãn Radiyallahu ‘anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: ‘ Anyone who performs Wudu, and performs Wudu excellently (meaning thereby to carefully observe all the etiquettes), his sins will come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails.’ (Muslim)


1️⃣ There Are Many Forms of Charity

“ A charity is due for every joint in each person on every day the sun comes up: to act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, lifting him onto it or hoisting up his belongings onto it, is a charity; a good word is a charity; and removing a harmful thing from the road is a charity.” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

2️⃣ It Protects You from Calamity

The Prophet, upon him be peace, said: “ Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

3️⃣ It Protects You from Being Miserly

Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, said: “ Avoid doing injustice to others, for on the Day of Judgment, it will turn into manifold darkness, and safeguard yourself against miserliness, for it ruined those who were before you. It incited them to murder and treating the unlawful as lawful.” (Muslim)


Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) is reported to have said:

 A person who recites the Quran and has memorised it, will be with noble scribes (Angels/Prophets, in Jannah)”
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 4937)

Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
It will be said to the one who memorised the Quran, ‘Recite and ascend and recite just as you would recite in the world, for your abode (in Jannah) will be the last verse you recite”  
(Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2914, Sunan Abi Dawud, Hadith: 1464, Declared authentic –hasanun sahih– by Imam Tirmidhi)



Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):
“ Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, ‘Trade is [just] like interest.’ But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah. But whoever returns to [dealing in interest or usury] – those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.
Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah does not like every sinning disbeliever.
Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish prayer and give zakah will have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve.
O you who have believed, fear Allah and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you should be believers.


Allah Ta’ala maintains countless balances on Earth at every second, without our ever being aware of them. While a flawless equilibrium is being maintained in the vastness of space, an extraordinary range of extraordinarily complex and perfect processes also takes place within a few seconds in every square millimeters of our bodies. For example;


▪️About 100 billion processes have taken place in your eyes within a second.

▪️50 million cells in your body have died every second.

▪️50 million new cells have been created every second to replace those that die.

▪️10 million bits of information has been sent from your eyes to your brain every second.


Sudden death has taught me:

To devote myself and my deeds to Allah Ta’ala and not to care about people’s satisfaction.

Sudden death has taught me:
That I should pray my Prayers at its time, because I do not know if that Prayer would be the last one.

Sudden death has taught me :
That death is not only a path which we will all pass, but it is has an appointed time, even if you are righteous person.


By Abu Muhammad Yusuf

Sacrifice is part of nature. The excruciating pain a mother endures patiently at childbirth, the years a teacher spends in educating children, the medical personal who attend to accident scenes in the dead of night, the police who patrol the streets during odd times and extreme weather, the Mujahideen who protect the borders of Islam, the patience of innocent civilians under oppressive regimes are just but a few examples of sacrifices for humanity.

” Great achievements and happiness is the born out of sacrifice and not out of selfishness ”

Sacrifice may vary in degree and form. Sometimes it may be little and at times it may be immense. It could mean surrendering some of our wealth, time or even health for the benefit of others. Sacrifice is an important part in our contribution to society.


By Khalid Baig

In the post colonial world the “civilizing mission” continues and the crusade for civilizing the backward Muslims into embracing the sexual mores of the civilizers is going full speed ahead. Since openly declaring that the Qur’an and Islam are plain wrong does not get you much mileage with the target audience, their challenge is how to perform a perfect inversion of Qur’anic teachings and simultaneously assure everyone that this inversion is in harmony with one’s belief in the Qur’an. Consider homosexuality. The Qur’an condemns it in no uncertain terms and calls those who committed it as musrifoon (going beyond limits) (7:81), Qaumun Aadoon (transgressing bounds) (26:166), Qaumul Mufsideen (mischievous people)(29:30), and Zalimeen (evildoers) (29:31). In other words they were extremists to the nth degree. The civilizers’ dilemma: How to declare those who want to legitimize this practice in the Muslim society as moderates and those who question this extremism as extremists and hardliners?


Abu Hurairah, radhiallahu anhu, reported: Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said, “ Do you know who is the bankrupt?” The bankrupt among us is one who has neither money with him nor any property.” He said, “The real bankrupt of my Ummah would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with Salat, Saum, and Sadaqah (charity), but he will find himself bankrupt on that day as he will have exhausted the good deeds) because he reviled others, brought calumny against others, unlawfully devoured the wealth of others, shed the blood of others and beat others; so his good deeds would be credited to the account of those (who suffered at his hand). If his good deeds fall short to clear the account, their sins would be entered in his account and he would be thrown in the (Hell) Fire.” [Muslim]

Abu Umamah, radhiallahu anhu, reported: Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “ Allah decrees the (Hell) fire and debars Jannah for the one who usurps the rights of a believer by taking a false oath.” One man asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Even if it should be for an insignificant thing?” He said, “ Even if it be a stick of the Arak tree (i.e. the tree from which Miswak sticks are taken).” [Muslim]


How Women Were Lured Out of the Home in the USA

by Areeba bint Khalid

From the 1800s to the present day, family life in the West has remarkably changed. While the West calls this change part of the women freedom movement, a look at history may show otherwise.

America before the 1800s was a farming country and ninety percent of the population lived and worked on private farms. Households were mainly self-sufficient–nearly everything needed was produced in the house. The few things that could not be produced at home were bought from local craftsmen. Some other things, especially imports from Europe, were bought from stores. Males would take care of the fields and females would take care of the home. In addition, they would engage in spinning, knitting, weaving, and taking care of the farm animals.



اللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْجَنَّة
Allahuma inni as alukal jannah
Meaning: Oh Allah, grant me Jannah

Reward : say 3 times & Jannah itself will ask Allah to grant you Jannah (Al Tirmidhi 2572)

سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ
Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi

Reward :
And he who utters: `Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi (Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise)’ one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of the ocean.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].


DID you know that if you took all the blood vessels out of an average child and laid them out in one line, the line would stretch over 60,000 miles (100,000 kms)? An adult’s would be closer to 100,000 miles (160,000 kms) long. In contrast, the entire earth’s circumference is only about 40,075 km.

Can you imagine the 5-6 ft body of ours has so many “wires” connecting and keeping our body parts operating without getting entangled and perfectly fitted inside us? They also come in different sizes, ranging from a diameter of 25 millimeters to only 8 micrometers.

Subhan Allah, how amazing is Allah’s creation! One can only feel pity for the scientists who witness the perfect creation and still deny the Creator. No one would ever accept that a phone or a car, something far less marvelous, did not have a designer or manufacturer. Yet they deny the miraculous signs of creation all around us.


Nasihah (Advice): The evil act of homosexuality

Sayyiduna Jaabir Radhiyallahu Anhu who reported that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam said, “There is nothing I fear more for my Ummah than the deed of the people of Lut (Alayhi salaam).” (Tirmidhi)


Question and Answer:

Question. I am a student studying medicine, in my faculty I receive arguments and I see evidence on the Biological accounts with regards to gay and lesbian people for example I’ve seen children who I examine with extra amounts of testosterone etc. which causes them to be attracted to the same sex.

I know that this is completely prohibited in Islam and I completely agree but how do I respond to cases as such which produce medical and psychological explanations? What is the exact ruling as to why gays and lesbians are prohibited? How can I respond to other Muslims who argue that some people are born this way (imbalance in their body) causing this attraction?


Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) owned a slave whose work was to earn an income for Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu).

One night, the slave presented Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) with some food that he had earned. As soon as the food was placed before him, Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) picked up a morsel and began to eat. Seeing this, the slave was surprised and asked, “What is the matter? You normally ask me every night (as to how I earned the wealth). Why have you not asked me tonight?” Abu Bakr (radhiyallahu ‘anhu) replied, “I was overcome by extreme hunger. From where did you get this food?” The slave answered, “During the days of Jaahiliyyah (the days of ignorance, before the advent of Islam), I once passed by a certain tribe and recited some words and blew, as a form of treatment for them. On account of my service, they had promised me that they would later compensate me. It so happened that I passed by this tribe today while they were engaged in wedding festivities. As they still owed me for my service, they gave me some food from the wedding as payment.”


Sending peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is not only highly virtuous but something many Muslims are unfortunately not doing enough. In hopes of inspiring you to pick up the great habit of consistently sending blessings on the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, we have put together a short list of benefits one achieves by doing so.

1️⃣ You are fulfilling a command of Allah Ta’ala

Allah Subhaanahu WaTa’ala clearly commands the believers in the Quran to send blessings on the Prophet Muhammadﷺ.

 Indeed, Allah and His Angels send blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to send] blessing upon him and peace”
Quran 33:56


By: Abdur Rahman Umar

“Can you believe this!” lamented Yusuf as he looked sadly at his leg covered from foot to knee in a thick white plaster cast leaving his plaster stained toes exposed.

“This is so frustrating!” he continued, addressing his exposed toes who had now become his captive audience, “Just when everything was going perfectly. Now this! Like I needed it in my life?”

Ridwaan stood idly by, adding little to the lament being addressed to the toes. He fidgeted wearily with his cell phone paying little attention to the monologue until Yusuf turned to him and asked:


The Messenger of Allah Ta’ala :

“ There is not a Muslim servant who recites three times during the morning and evening: I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islaam as my religion and with Muhammad as my prophet, except that rightfully Allah will be pleased with him on the Day of Judgement. ”
As related by Imaam Ahmad (#1867) and in Aboo Daawud (#5072) ( Hasan)

And from Aboo Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be
pleased with him) that the Prophet said: “ O Abaa Saeed, whoever is pleased with Allah as his Lord, with Islaam as his religion and with Muhammad as his Prophet then the Paradise will be obligatory for him to enter .” Related by Muslim (#1884), Aboo Daawud (#1529),

رَضِيْتُ بِاللّهِ رَبّ
ا وَ بِالإسْلاَمِ دِيْنًا
وَ بِمُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيًّا

Raditu billahi Rabba Wa bil Islami deena Wa bimuhammadin salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam nabiyya.

“I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islaam as my religion and with Muhammad as my Prophet.”


Shahr bin Hawshab said:

“I said to Umm Salamah (wife of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ): ‘ O Mother of the Believers! What was the supplication that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said most frequently when he was with you?”

She said: ‘The supplication he said most frequently was: “O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion (Yā Muqallibal-qulūb, thabbit qalbī `alā dīnik).’”

She said: ‘So I said: “O Messenger of Allah, why do you supplicate so frequently: ‘O Changer of the hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion.’ He said: ‘ O Umm Salamah! Verily, there is no human being except that his heart is between Two Fingers of the Fingers of Allah, so whomsoever He wills He makes steadfast, and whomever He wills He causes to deviate.’”

– Authentic Hadith in Sunan At-Tirmithi. Hadith #3522


Silvia Romano, an Italian aid worker was kidnapped in November 2018 by gunmen linked to the Somali armed group al-Shabab in northeast Kenya. At the time of the attack, Romano was volunteering for an Italian NGO in an orphanage.

Finally, word surfaced in May that she had been released after 18 months in captivity. Italians were overjoyed after weeks of gloomy coronavirus-driven news. The joy, however, was short lived.

When she stepped off the Italian government plane wearing a full green hijab, her welcome not only turned ugly, but also dangerously hostile.

The conversion of Silvia to Islam opened the door of insults on social media. She has also been met with threats. Right wing media and politicians left no stone unturned in criticizing and spewing hate against Silvia.


 In-laws are the focus of blame and reproach when there are marital disputes. But there are ways to maintain a good relationship with them. Here are some tips:

  • Remember your spouse’s parents have known them longer and loved them longer. Never make an issue about “me or them”.
  • Let respective parties settle their own disputes. If your mother-in-law has a problem with her husband, let them deal with it. Don’t interfere
  • Don’t tell your spouse how to improve their relationship with their parents.
  • Expect some adjustment time for parents after marriage to adjust to this new relationship.
  • Remember that mothers are usually skeptical about daughter-in-laws and fathers about son-in-laws. Give people the benefit of the doubt.



Salam! I am a teenager from pakistan. I am 17 and doing my a levels. Several people around me are supporters of the lgbtq community. As much as I try to condemn it is hard doing so overtly as it ends up in me being ostracised. In a honesty I am not clear on islams view on homosexuality. Why it’s forbidden and when they ask me why I’m against it I end up saying because islam says so but obviously it says so for a reason. I want to know why so i can refute the argument of such people and hold strong in my faith. They interpret quranic ayat is ways that make it seem okay. They quote imams who condone homosexuality. I am truly cofused. I have tried to do an online search on the matter numerous times but to no avail as all website say It’s wrong but not why. If it’s because of procreation isn’t that an exceeding problem with the growing population anyway. Please try to get back to me so that I can clear my view on the matter. I don’t wear the hijab or pray 5 times a day so is my not condoning homosexuality just as bad because I’ve heard that. JazakAllah.

(Question posted as received)


O Muslim, lawful things have good attributes

Where is the good in singing, dancing and listening to flutes?

Can we compare the words of singers and sounds of Musicians

To the Glorious Quran, its lessons, wisdoms and admonitions?

How many singers do you know and give admiration,

And how many do you know of the companions and the following generation?

How much do you spend on singers from your dollars?

Compared to how many you know of Islamic Scholars.



The worst-case scenario in the event of being inflicted with a disease is when the one involved refuses to believe that he has been inflicted with that disease. The way this phenomenon is accepted and recognised in diseases and illnesses that affect the physical body, it is also true with regards to spiritual diseases and ailments.

When a person commits a sin (May Allah save us all) believing that a sin is being committed and feels regret and remorse in the heart, then this is far better than committing the sin and believing it to be lawful (halal). In the former situation, only one sin is being committed, and it is very likely that the individual may repent out of the remorse felt in the heart. In the latter case, however, in addition to the sin being committed, there is the greater sin of trying to justify it. Normally, such an individual does not receive the guidance to repent from his sin. (May Allah save us all, Ameen)


Imagine yourself in this position. Your beloved husband with whom you have grown in Islam, who has supported you through the difficulties of life, who has helped you raise your dear children and who has provided for you by Allah Ta’ala’s permission passes away.

How would you react?
Would you be overcome with despair and grief?
Would you fret over who will provide for you and your children?

This is what happened to Umm Salamah, one of the great companions of the Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) when her husband passed away.
How did she react to this trial that befell her?
We shall learn later.

Saturday, June 18, 2022


Paradise: the Eternal Abode

Paradise is the tremendous reward which Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) has prepared for His beloved (awliyaa) and those who obey Him. It is complete joy and pleasure, where nothing is lacking and nothing can disturb its purity. What Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) and His Messenger have told us about it makes out heads spin because our minds are not able to comprehend the greatness of such blessings.

Read the words of Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) in this hadith qudsi:

“I have prepared for My righteous slaves that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and has never crossed the mind of any human being “.

Then the Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, “Recite, if you wish: ” No person knows what is kept hidden for them of joy as a reward for what they used to do “. (32:17)


Those Who Will Enter Paradise Without Being Called to Account

The first group of this ummah who will enter Paradise will be those who were pre-eminent in their imaan, taqwaa, righteous deeds and adherence to the true religion.

Al-Bukhaari reports from Abu Hurayrah (Radiallaahu Anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said:
” The first group to enter Paradise will be as beautiful as the full moon. They will not spit, blow their noses or excrete. Their vessels will be fo gold, their combs of gold and silver, their incense of aloe, and their sweat of musk. Each of them will have two wives, the marrow of whose leg-bones will be visible through their flesh because of their extreme beauty. There will be no differences or hatred among them (the people of Paradise); their hearts will be as one, and they will glorify Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) morning and evening” . (Muslim, at-Tirmidhi)

al-Bukhaari reports from Sahl ibn Sa’d (Radiallaahu Anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said: ” Seventy thousand – or seven hundred thousand – of my ummah will enter Paradise; the first of them will not enter until the last of them does so, and their faces will look like the full moon” . (Fath al-Baari, 6/319)


The Poor Will Enter Jannah Ahead of the Rich   

Muslim reports from ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr (Radiallaahu Anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said “ The poor of the Muhajireen will enter Paradise forty years ahead of the rich “. (Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 2/663, no. 5235)

at-Tirmidhi reported from Abu Sa’eed, and Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah reported from Abu Hurayrah, that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said: “ The poor of the Muhajireen will enter Paradise five hundred years ahead of the rich of the Muhajireen ” (Saheeh al-Jaami’ 4/90, no.4104).

Elsewhere the Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) explained that these are the people who have nothing to be brought account for, and this is in addition to their jihaad and virtue. al-Haakim reported from ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, ” Do you know who will be the first of my ummah to enter Paradise?” I said, “Allah and His Messenger know best”. He said, “The poor of the Muhajireen. They will come to the gate of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection and ask for it to be opened. The gatekeepers will say to them, “Have you been brought to account?” They will say, “What do we need to be brought to account for? We were carrying our swords and fighting for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) until we died.” Then the gates will be opened for them and they will stay there for forty years before anyone else enters “. (Silsilah al-Hadith as-Saheehah, 2/532, no. 853, al-Haakim said it is sahih according to the conditions of al-Bukhaari and Muslim).


The Springs of Paradise

In Paradise there are many springs that provide drinks of different tastes:

” Truly al-Muttaqoon [the pious and righteous] will be amidst Gardens and Water-springs ” [15:45]

” Verily al-Muttaqoon shall be amidst shades and springs .” [77:41]

Concerning the two Gardens which Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) has prepared for those who fear their Rabb, Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) said, ” In them [both] will be two springs flowing [free]. ” [55:50]

And concerning the two Gardens beneath them, He said, ” In them [both] will be two springs gushing forth water.” [55:66]


The People of Paradise:

The Deeds for Which People Will Deserve to Enter Paradise

The people of Paradise are the believers and strict monotheists. All those who associate others with Allah or disbelieve in Him, or deny any of the principles of faith will not be allowed to enter Paradise. Their destination will be Hellfire.

The Qur’an often states that the people of Paradise are the believers who do righteous deeds, to quote one of many examples:

” But whoever comes to Him as a believer [in tawheed] and has done righteous good deeds, for such are the high ranks [in the Hereafter] – ‘Adn [Eden] Paradise [everlasting gardens [under which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever: such is the reward of those who purify themselves”. [20:75-76]


The People of Paradise:

The Way to Paradise is Very Hard

Paradise is very high, and ascending lofty places takes a great deal of effort. The way to Paradise is filled with things that go against human wishes and inclinations. This needs strong determination and willpower. In a hadith narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Abu Hurayrah (Radiallaahu Anhu) the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said,

” Hell has been veiled with desires, and Paradise has been veiled with [surrounded by] hardships.”

an-Nasaa’ee, at-Tirmidhi, and Abu Dawud report from Abu Hurayrah (Radiallaahu Anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, ” When Allah created Paradise, He told Jibreel, “Go look at it”. So he went and looked at it, then he came back and said, “By Your Glory, no-one will hear of it but he will enter it”. So He surrounded it with hardships and said, “Go and look at it”. So he went and looked at it, then came back and said, “By Your Glory, I fear that no-one will enter it””. [Jaami al-Usool, 10/520, 8068]


The Delights of the People of Paradise: The Superiority of Paradise Over the Pleasures of This World (continued)

2⃣ The Hereafter is also better from the perspective of quality.

The clothing, food, drink, jewellery and palaces of the people of Paradise will be far superior to their counterparts in this world. There is in fact no room for comparison, as even the smallest space in Paradise is better than this world and all that is in it. The Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, ” The space of a whip in Paradise is better than this world and everything in it” [Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 3/85, no. 5613]

The Prophet (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said, ” The space of the bow of any one of you in Paradise is better than all that the sun rises upon” [Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh, 3/85, no. 5615]


The Delights of the People of Paradise: The Clothing, Jewellery and Incense-Burners Of the People of Paradise

The people of Paradise will wear the most luxurious clothes, amongst other things, garments of silk and bracelets of gold, silver and pearls. Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

” And their recompense will be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient.” [76:12]

“... wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments will be of silk.” [ 22:23]


The Delights of the People of Paradise: The Couches of the People of Paradise

The palaces of Paradise have been prepared, and in their gardens are places to sit and recline, beautiful couches of delightful colours and high beds whose interiors are lined with silk brocade, let alone how magnificent their outward appearance must be. There are cushions and splendid carpets laid out in the most delightful fashion. Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

” Therein will be thrones raised high, And cups set at hand, and cushions set in rows, and rich carpets [all spread out]” [88:13-16]

” They will recline [with ease] on thrones arranged in ranks. And We shall marry them to Houris [female fair ones] with wide lovely eyes. “ [52:20]


The Delights of the People of Paradise: The Gatherings and Conversations of the People of Paradise

The people of Paradise will visit one another, in delightful gatherings where they will remember their lives in this world and how Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) has blessed them by admitting them to Paradise. Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) described the gatherings of the people of Paradise:

” And We shall remove from their breasts any lurking sense of injury, [they will be like] brothers, [joyfully] facing each other on thrones [of dignity]. ” [15:47]


The Delights of the People of Paradise: The Wives of the People of Paradise *

 1⃣The Wife Of The Believer In This World Will Be His Wife In The Hereafter If She Is Righteous

" Gardens of 'Adn, which they shall enter, and [also] those who act righteously from among their fathers, and their wives and their offspring... " [13:23]

" They and their wives will be in pleasant shade, reclining on thrones ." [36:56]

" Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness" [43:70]


The Greatest Delight: Ridwaan Allah and Looking At His Face 

" Some faces that Day will be Nadhirah [shining, radiant], Looking at their Rabb." [75:22-23]

Ibn al-Itheer said, "Seeing Allah is the ultimate joy in the Hereafter, the most precious gift of Allah. May Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) help us reach that goal." [Jaami' al-Usool, 10/557]

Muslim and at-Tirmidhi reported from Suhayb ar-Rumi that the Messenger of Allah (Salallaahu Alaihi Wasalaam) said: " When the people of Paradise enter Paradise, Allah Ta'ala will say: "Do you want anything more?" They will say, "Have You not made our faces white [i.e. honoured us]? Have You not admitted us to Paradise and saved us from the Fire?" Then the veil will be lifted, and they will never have been given anything more dear to them than looking at their Rabb, may He be Blessed and Exalted ."


Anger is a misunderstood emotion; it is what you do with it that matters. It can be destructive like a storm, but can act as motivation for change. It tells us when our boundaries are being crossed and can deter adversaries. The Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) directly offers techniques that can be used to help when a person is angry. The tips below are a compilation of contemporary therapeutic techniques that are also directly from the Sunnah.

1) Catch it early

The Prophet (sall Allāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “If a man gets angry and says, ‘I seek refuge with Allāh,’ his anger will go away.”[1]

In order to seek refuge in Allāh from anger, a person must first be aware that they are becoming angry. Catching your anger at the earliest point can make it easier to manage and prevent it from snowballing into rage.


 The most important part of the body is the heart, as has been mentioned by our noble Prophet Muhammed  (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam), “Indeed there is a piece of flesh in your body that, if it is sound, then the whole body will be sound, and if it is corrupt then the whole body will be corrupt. Indeed it is the heart.” (Sahih al-Bukhari [1/49] & Sahih al-Muslim [1599])

The heart is thus the port where all actions stem, whether good or evil. If the heart is good then the actions will be sound and if the heart is corrupt then the actions will be bad. The heart is the place where Allah Ta’ala scans, as the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam ) says, “Allah does not look at your bodies nor your faces but he scans your heart and actions.” (Sahih al-Muslim [4/6221])

As for the heart, Allah has commanded us to love Him and His Messenger, to love the righteous people, to love that which Allah loves and to hate all which Allah hates. The tongue acts accordingly, because…the tongue expresses what is in the heart.


 The Signs of Fear

Know! Dear Muslim brothers and sisters. We can find out whether we fear Allah or are oblivious of him through some simple tests. Here are some of them:

The tongue informs us: if we talk evil, backbite and engage in frivolous gossip, it shows that there is very little concern. We should engage our tongues in the remembrance of Allah, in the recitation of the Quran and in circles of knowledge.

In the heart we should expel hatred, enmity and jealousy and replace them with well-wishing and care for Muslims.


Tawakkul is special, the direct result of true eman in Allah, certainty in the Hereafter, and continuous remembrance of both.  This “attitude” leads to six convictions.

1. Allah has put me in this world temporarily for a test, and all of my good and bad circumstances are part of the test.


Definition and Explanation

Hell is the abode which Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) has prepared for those who do not believe in Him (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala), those who rebel against His (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) laws and disbelieve in His Messengers. It is the punishment for His (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) enemies, the prison for evildoers.

It is the ultimate humiliation and loss; there is nothing worse:

“Our Lord! Verily, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed, You have disgraced him, and never will the Dhaalimoon [polytheists and wrongdoers] find any helpers ” (3:192)

“Know they not that whoever opposes and shows hostility to Allah and His Messenger, certainly for him will be the fire of Hell to abide therein? That is extreme disgrace “. (9:63)


The Keepers of Hell

Standing over Hell are MIGHTY and STERN angels who never disobey Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala Who has created them. They do whatever He commands them, as Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala says:

” O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, over which are [appointed] angels stern [and] severe, who flinch not [from executing] the Commands they receive from Allah, but do [precisely what] they are commanded.” (66:6)

Their number is nineteen as Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

” Soon I will cast him into Hellfire. And what will explain to you what Hellfire is? Naught does it permit to endure, and naught does it leave alone! Darkening and changing the colour of man! Over it are nineteen [angels as guardians and keepers of Hell]” (74:26-30)


The Gates of Hell

Allah Ta’ala has told us that Hell has seven gates, as He (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) said:

” And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all. It [Hell] has seven gates, for each of these gates is a [special] class [of sinners] assigned” . (15:43-44)

Ibn Katheer commenting on this aayah, said: “This means that each gate has been allotted its share of the followers of Iblees who will enter it, and they will not be able to avoid it. May Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) protect us from it. Each will enter a gate according to his deeds, and will be assigned to a level of Hell according to his deeds.”


The Intensity of Its Heat and the Vastness of Its Smoke and Sparks

Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) says:

“And those on the left hand – who will be those on the Left Hand? In fierce hot wind and boiling water. And shadow of black smoke, [that shadow] neither cool, nor [even] good”. (56:41-44)

This aayah includes all of the things that people avail themselves of in this world when it is too hot; these three things are: water, air and shade. But the aayah states that these three things will be of no help whatsoever to the people of Hell.

The shade referred to in the aayah “and the shadow of black smoke” (56:43) is the shade cast by the smoke of Hell. Shade usually makes one feel cool and comfortable, and people love to feel it, but this shade [in Hell] will neither be cool nor pleasant; it is the shadow of black smoke.


The Intensity of the Suffering of the People of Hell

The Fire is an intense punishment, in which there are different types of torment, to escape which people would give the dearest possessions that they own:

“As for those who reject Faith, and die rejecting – never would be accepted from any such as much gold as the earth contains, though they should offer it for ransom. For such is [in store] a penalty grievous and they will find no helpers “.(3:91)

” As to those who reject faith – if they had everything on earth and twice repeated, to give as ransom for the Penalty of the Day of Judgement, it would never be accepted of them. Theirs would be a grievous Penalty .” (5:36)


The Worst Evil Deeds of Those Who Will Remain Forever in Hell(1 of 5)

The Qur’an speaks at length of the evil deeds for which those who will abide in the Hell forever deserve their never-ending fate. Here we will mention the most serious of them.

(1) Kufr and Shirk:

Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) tells us that it will be said to those who disbelieved, when they are in the Fire, that Allah’s hatred of them will be greater than their own hatred towards themselves because of their disbelief. Then He explains that their eternal fate in Hell is because of their kufr and shirk:

“The unbelievers will be addressed: “Greater was the aversion of Allah to you than [is] your aversion to yourselves, seeing that you were called to the Faith but you used to refuse. They will say, “Our Rabb! Twice have You made us without life, and twice have You given us life! Now have we recognised our sins: is there any way out [of this]?” [The answer will be]: “This is because, when Allah was invoked as the Only [object of worship] you did reject Faith, but when partners were joined to Him, you believed! The Command is only with Allah, All-High, All-Great !” (40:10-12)


The Worst Evil Deeds of Those Who Will Remain Forever in Hell(2 and 3 of 5)

(2) Failing to fulfill the legislated duties, as well as denying the Day of Judgement . Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala) tells us that the people of Paradise will ask the people of Hell:

“What led you into Hellfire ?” (74:42)

They will reply: “.. We were not of those who prayed, Nor were we of those who fed the indigent, But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers, And we used to deny the Day of Judgement, Until there came to us [the Hour] that is certain.” (74:43-47)