Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Educative, Inspirational and Motivational posts on Islam

Saturday, May 21, 2022


1) The Patient:

The woman who remains patient in all circumstances, and tries to never whine, moan, nag or complain. When some trouble or affliction hits her, she turns to Allah Almighty for help.

2) The Protector:

The woman who protects her husband’s wealth and her chastity when he is away from home. She doesn’t gossip or mingle with other men, nor does she allow anyone into their home without his approval. As a clever and wise wife, she knows, respects and stays within the boundaries of his gheerah (protective jealousy).

When he returns, she runs into his arms, as if she was anticipating for his return. She allows him time to relax before anything and does not burden him with the day’s problems, but listens attentively to his needs and does her best to take his tiredness away.

3) The Lover:

The women who adores her husband, beautifies herself, and smells nice for him. She craves for his children to the extent that whenever her husband glances at her, du’aa pours for her from the bottom of his heart. She is characterised with shyness and modesty, glancing with love in her eyes, only for her husband.

4) The Good Do-er:

The women who has an excellent reputation in society – for being kind, caring and courteous. She is good with her neighbours and relatives & never backbites or displays jealousy.

5) The Content:

The women who tries to cast her eyes away from material things and is content with whatever little her husband gives her. She is thankful to him for every morsel that he feeds her, every clothe that he gifts her, including the roof over her head. She makes her gratefulness known to him in words and action and thus, soothes her husband’s heart.

As the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised, she looks at those less fortunate than herself in the material world. She then becomes even more thankful to her Lord and her Husband for all that she does have.

6) The Pious:

The women who spends much of her day in dhikr, reading the Qur’aan and performing her Salaah. She further spends her nights in praying tahajjud and crying to Allah for His forgiveness. She encourages her husband to give daw’ah in his spare time. As the Prophet (peace be upon him) advised, she looks at those more pious than her in the religious sense and strives to progress further in piety and knowledge.

7) The Sweet Smiler:

A wise wife tries to smile a lot, especially when her husband is at home. She always talks gently, choosing the sweetest of words, so much so that it seems that pearls are dripping from her mouth. The ideal wife never raises her voice while talking to her husband.

If her husband is angry with her for some reason and shouts at her, she tries her best not to answer back but instead maintains dignified silence. She understands that a man by nature, loves to be the ‘king of the jungle’, wanting to prove himself right, it makes him feel good. Two seconds of patience from the wife can go a long way…

Quite simply, its all about psychology. When he has calmed down, she then speaks to him wisely. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said; “I guarantee a house in the outskirts of Jannah for the one who gives up arguing even if he/she is in the right…” [Tirmidhee]

So even if the husband is in the wrong, she should try her best to give up arguing and expect her reward from Allaah. The exceptional wife should be wise in dealing with the situation at hand, without making things worse for herself and her family.
